Note: this version of CRT Emudriver is obsolete. This version is only useful for Windows XP users. Windows 7 and newer users should check CRT Emudriver 2.0 instead (don't mind the "beta" in its name, it's a fully working release). Even if you're still using Windows XP, it's recommended that along with CRT Emudriver 1.2b, you use the new updated CRT Tools instead of the old ones, as these are synchronized with GroovyMAME, and will make your life much easier.

C R T  E m u d r i v e r   1 . 2 b

CRT Emudriver is a patched version of Catalyst 6.5/9.3/13.1 ATI Drivers, for ATI Radeon cards and Windows XP 32/64-bit and Windows 7-64-bit operating systems. Its purpose is to improve some features related to low resolution video modes and their use in emulation on CRT screens, TV and arcade monitors.

These drivers will allow you to obtain the best of GroovyMAME and other emulators. They come with a table of pre-installed video modes that GroovyMAME expects to find and use. After installing, you can use VMMaker to better adjust the mode list in order to fit your particular monitor type.

CRT Emudriver's main features as compared to regular drivers are:

  - Support for dynamic modeline reprogramming without the need to restart the system.

  - The number of video modes supported is double that of regular Catalyst drivers, which are limited to 60 custom video modes you can define and have available simultaneously. The total number of  modelines supported by each driver version is:

      - CRT Emudriver, based on Catalyst 6.5 XP-32:      200 modes
      - CRT Emudriver, based on Catalyst 6.5 XP-64:      120 modes
      - CRT Emudriver, based on Catalyst 9.3 XP-32/64: 120 modes
      - CRT Emudriver, based on Catalyst 13.1 W7-64:    120 modes

  - Fixed support for real 320x and 400x resolutions, that with regular Catalyst drivers are hardcoded as doublescanned modes.

There are several versions of CRT Emudriver. You must select the one that fits your operating system and video card:

W i n d o w s   X P   d o w n l o a d s

Under Windows XP, we support the range from the Radeon 7000 up to the Radeon HD 4xxx family, in either 32 and 64-bit versions of the operating system. Older cards are supported by the version based on Catalyst 6.5. Newer cards are supported by the one based on Catalyst 9.3. Some cards are supported by both 6.5 and 9.3 versions, in this case it's recommended to use the 9.3.

Download CRT Emudriver 1.2b (Catalyst 6.5) for Windows XP-32 + VMMaker + Arcade_OSD 1.4b
Download CRT Emudriver 1.2b (Catalyst 6.5) for Windows XP-64 + VMMaker + Arcade_OSD 1.4b

Download CRT Emudriver 1.2b (Catalyst 9.3) for Windows XP-32 + VMMaker + Arcade_OSD 1.4b
Download CRT Emudriver 1.2b (Catalyst 9.3) for Windows XP-64 + VMMaker + Arcade_OSD 1.4b

Below is a reference of the cards supported by each version:

Catalyst 6.5: ATI Radeon 7000, 7200, 7500, 8500, 9000, 9100, 9200, 9250, 9500, 9550, 9600, 9700, 9800, X300, X550, X600, X700, X800, X850, X1300, X1600, X1800, 1900, X1950, ArcadeVGA 9200/9250, etc.

Catalyst 9.3: ATI Radeon 9500, 9550, 9600, 9700, 9800, X300, X550, X600, X700, X740, X800, X850, X1050, X1200, X1300, X1550, X1600, X1650, X1800, X1900, X1950, HD 2350, HD 2400, HD 2600, HD 2900, HD 3200, HD 3300, HD 3400, HD 3410, HD 3450, HD 3550, HD 3570, HD 3600, HD 3610, HD 3690, HD 3730, HD 3750, HD 3800, HD 3830, HD 3850, HD 3870, HD 4230, HD 4250, HD 4350, HD 4550, HD 4570, HD 4580, HD 4650, HD 4670, HD 4730, HD 4750, HD 4800, HD 4850, HD 4870, HD 4890, etc.

Video cards marked in red are supported, but they don't support low pixel clocks. For these cards, you will need to use the DotClockMin = 8.0 option in vmmaker.ini in order to scale low resolutions horizontally.

After restart, you will need to manually select one of the 15 kHz modes from Arcade OSD.

W i n d o w s   7   d o w n l o a d s

Under Windows 7, we support the Radeon HD 2xxx, HD 3xxx and Radeon HD 4xxx families, only for the 64-bit version of the operating system.

Download CRT Emudriver 1.2b (Catalyst 13.1) for Windows 7-64 + VMMaker + Arcade_OSD 1.4b

When installing CRT Emudriver in Windows 7, some extra caution must be taken:

1.- Run the Setup program with ADMIN RIGHTS enabled.
2.- DO NOT restart the system when W7 prompts you to do so, let the Setup program finish, allow it to set TEST mode on.
3.- CRT Emudriver for W7 doesn't boot in 15 kHz automatically after restart. You need to manually enable a 15 kHz mode from Arcade OSD.
4.- Remind to always run VMMaker with ADMIN RIGHTS.
5.- Windows 7 does not support "magic" resolutions. Use "super" resolutions instead.

V M M a k e r   &   A r c a d e   O S D   u p d a t e d   d o w n l o a d

The driver packages above are not updated so often. For convenience, a small package containing only up-to-date versions of VMMaker and Arcade OSD is offered as a separate download. Make sure to always use the most recent version:

Download VMMaker + Arcade OSD 1.4b